RM Number Magic is the latest version of this much loved spreadsheet and data handling program. It is a powerful package that enables pupils to accomplish a number of tasks across several curriculum areas.
There is a bank (RM Topic Bank) containing hundreds of curriculum relevant pictures enabling pupils to write full reports, for example, of Science and Maths investigations.
Main features:
- Paste special option giving you the three options; Paste all, Paste formulas and Paste values.
- Ability to control printing with the "Print Once" function. This will disable the print button, for a chosen period, after printing once. This should help you to save paper.
- Over 250 brand new curriculum relevant pictures added to the already extensive RM Topic Bank.
- Autosum now included on the toolbar.
- Easy to use for recording, analysing and presenting numerical data.
- Formula Builder allows pupils to enter a formula into a cell using maths functions they are familiar with. This makes the teaching of spreadsheet skills easier and reinforces key maths skills and concepts.
- Data can be analysed and re-arranged using simple sorting.
- A wide range of different graphs e.g. bar and pie charts.
- Four levels of increasing complexity to facilitate progression.
- The Number Patterns tool enables you to easily integrate the program into this area of the Maths curriculum.
- Speech function that reads out icon names, so helping pupils with reading difficulties.
- Advanced online help, accessed through the Help icon.